6 Steps to Collecting Art

Collecting art made easy
June 12, 2024
6 Steps to Collecting Art
  1. Define your taste
Taste comes in many different shapes and forms, there is no right or wrong answer. One can begin gaining inspiration by visiting art galleries and spaces to view a plethora of genres, colours and styles of art. Then, make a note of which artworks have caught your attention and reflect on why it is that these works speak to you. The more you throw yourself into the process, the more you can empower your taste. Defining your taste is an exciting opportunity to explore and to understand what you do and don’t like in the process. Create a visual library of your favorite pieces! 
  1. Research 

The internet is your friend here. You can begin with THE TAGLI's instagram page @thetagli and webpage and take it from there - follow artists that you like on social media and familiarize yourself with their bios, approach, and with whom they might be collaborating. This will also lead you to discover new artists and develop your taste further. If you need any help with your research, THE TAGLI offers complementary exploratory outings to explore your taste. Feel free to contact us to book one. 

  1. Seek advice

At THE TAGLI we love listening to the vision you have for the artwork that you would like to collect. Voicing your ideas to an external party is always a helpful exercise to gain clarity and perspective, and it also allows you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Whether you are feeling overwhelmed by options, or you are simply seeking to cross-check your thoughts with an expert, an art advisor might be able to provide you with art that entirely re-enliven your spark for the process, or bring to life the ideas you might already have. If in doubt, please do call us to arrange your complimentary art exploration session. 
  1. Set a budget 

Often one hears extreme numbers in the art world, but the reality is far more grounded. At THE TAGLI we specialise in accessible prices, through which you can support emerging artists in the UK as an exciting opportunity to engage with contemporary art. Being realistic about the value that you are comfortable spending on a new acquisition is crucial. Setting a budget will alleviate stress during the following stages and allow you to delve into the process with confidence. 
5. Visualise the art in space
Where will the work be placed? Art truly has the power to transform a space and at THE TAGLI we can help you achieve this. Whether you are wanting a statement piece or an artwork that exudes a delicate intimacy, visualising how it will exist in your space is an essential step to see whether the art and its immediate context are a good fit. The aim is for art and space to seamlessly uplift each other’s beauty. 
6. Listen to your gut
Ultimately, your gut will know best. The process of collecting art might seem daunting at first but, stripped down, really it is just an opportunity for you to listen to your instincts and find art that you can be sure to treasure. Don’t overthink it, buy art that you love and you can’t go wrong.

About the author

Dimitrios Tsivrikos