• A Studio Visit with Caroline Ashley

    The Tagli Team recently visited Caroline Ashley in her studio in London. She shared insights into her process of making, the importance of materiality and discussed her defintions of action based performativity. 


     Ashley's practice explores assemblage, soft sculpture; referencing repetition and hand driven processes. Her tactile works invite the viewer to fragment their reflection and engage in spatial play.



  • A Studio Visit with Hugo Lami

    The Tagli Team recently visited Hugo Lami in his studio in London , where he spoke to us about what inspires him, his process of painting and the symbolism in his work.





    Hugo Lami is a Portuguese artist living and working in London. Lami's work addresses our social dependence and identity crisis caused by the absurdity of the digital and the virtual world. His work depicts dreams of alien landscapes and organisms in constant interaction and evolution trying do define their identity.

  • A Studio Visit with Lottie Stoddart

    The Tagli Team recently travelled to Cambridge to visit Lottie Stoddart in her studio, where she spoke to us about her process of making, what inspires her and what she enjoys about people encountering her work.